Humpback Whale Watching in Samaná
Every year, the humpback whales they prepare for a long journey to the warm waters of Dominican Republic, making it the perfect opportunity to observe these fantastic creatures in their natural habitat. In the following post, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about theHumpback Whale Watching in Samaná Bay.

Why do they come to Samaná?
Humpback whales, these gigantic marine mammals, come from the seas of Iceland, Greenland, Canada, and North America to court, mate, and give birth in the warm waters of this area of the Dominican Republic.. That’s why this bay is the ideal place for humpback whale watching in Samaná.
During their stay, it is truly impressive to see the males, with their bodies weighing around 40 tons, leaping out of the water to seduce the females. But you won’t only be able to observe the males, you’ll be able to see the mothers playing with their newly born calves.
Meanwhile, it’s important for the whale calves to strengthen themselves as quickly as possible to face the journey that awaits them back to the cold waters of the northern hemisphere. Because of this, they consume about 200 liters of mother’s milk every day, reaching an approximate weight of 45 kilograms.
When and how can we see them?
Between 1,500 and 2,000 humpback whales visit the waters of Samaná Bay. every year. The first specimens are usually seen from November, however, the official season is from January to March.
There are two ways to enjoy this incredible spectacle. The first is from the land-based whale watching observatory in Samaná Bay, which is a perfect alternative for those who are afraid of sailing.
On the other hand, the most popular option is to see these impressive mammals from a boat, as this allows for a closer experience. These boats depart from the various public and private ports in the area of Samaná.
Humpback Whales, a National Treasure
These visits byhumpback whalesare protected by current laws anddirectrices vigentes para preservarlasguidelines to preserve them. De esta forma, esta zona es el área protegida marina más extensa del país, y el first marine mammal sanctuary in the Atlantic Ocean.
Without a doubt, during that season, it becomes the stage for one of the most impressive shows of nature.
If you want to book an excursion to see humpback whales in Samaná, click on this link Runaway Experiences.